Wednesday, July 13, 2011


You know this is true: there is a ten ton mountain gorilla squatting in your bathroom. It is not about economics, or politics. It is about the Republicans, all of them, being willing to plunge this country into financial chaos (that they created) rather than see a President of complexion succeed. Sometimes those still fighting the Civil War can be very uncivil.

Friday, July 8, 2011


I keep saying this, but the only Republican remedy to the economy is not taxing the rich or Corporations and slashing any program that helps the needly. How does this create jobs? Isn't this the philosophy of pure Capitalism that got us where we are not? Reinstate a Republican to the White House and...the thought is as ghastly as it is couter-productive.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


It’s time for the president to get feisty. Call a spade a spade. Republicans don’t give a hoot about anyone not pulling down less than a quarter mil/year. Let the poor eat fries. This is Christianity. Welfare is only meant for Corporations. Hammer this in, Mr. President. Remind the voters what the GOP stands for. Ask the middle class if voting for wealthy politicians who
who sanctify and protect those who with plenty while abandoning the less fortunate (all who don't have a bank account in the Cayman Islands) is what they want. Educate, Mr. President, since the Public already accuses you of being a Professor. Give ‘em hell, Barry!!

Friday, June 24, 2011


How smart is America? How many voters understand that the Republican Congress with disagree with ANYTHING that the president does or proposes for the sole purpose of wanting him to fail. They vote has nothing to do with improving American Life, only in destroying the President's. This has probably happened in past politics, but not in my lifetime. It is racial; it is cultural. A portion of this country is still lamenting losing the Civil War and giving up their slaves. Guess with which Grand Old Party they are affiliated?

Friday, June 17, 2011


More gloomy headlines. OK, Gloomongers: if you don't like it, give us a plan to fix it or shut up. Maybe Capitalism as we know it only works for the rich and getting richer. This might be the level that water has sought. What then? If you've got yours, you are the best and the brightest. If you didn't get yours, tough. That is Christianity, right?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


As the song from the Great Depression goes, "The rich get rich and the poor get poorer." The only thing that has changed is that the rich are getting massively richer. The poor? About the same. Poor is poor. My point is that while this is happening, all Media, far from being an exclusive tool of the Left actually only plays to its own agenda: becoming massively rich by building up then tearing down those perceived to be in positions of power, thus generating juicy headlines and fleeting but satisfying instant news before moving on to the next prey. There is no agenda but the bottom line. This is Capitalism. Ca-ching!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


There is no peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian problem. Neither will bend; both enjoy the victim role. President Obama spoke the truth and they can blame him for stalling any peace talks. They are both very happy.