Tuesday, April 19, 2011


You, me, those guys over there, human beings of every artificial nationality, peoples of diversity who use differences to divide, followers of every religion seemly hellbent on destroying those of other beliefs, terrorists who terrorize  for terrorism's sake, haters who hate because it is such a rush, politicians suckle who at the golden calf, the righteous who die for their cause and take everyone with them: STOP IT! You are choosing disaster. There is enough for everyone. Good times are not boring. Bad times are not more interesting. The earth will abide. It is not the end of the world. The sun has enough fuel to last for a few billion more years, enough time to get our act together. Relax. Fix your damned financial systems. They are just elaborate games. Maybe you should learn the rules before you start to play. Feed each other. Look at Americans. There is obviously more than enough edibles to go around. Be nice. Calm down. Things have been worse. Does that make you feel better?

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